Hi FMLers,
We have 2 girls out of a rescue shelter and they are NOT eating or drinking
unless forced, do ferrets starve themselves?  We have had these girls for
almost a month now and have had them to the vet.  They are getting .25ml
Clavamox twice daily and we are using Vitasol in the water supply and I am
making "mush" per instructions from the shelter lady.  They get that, forced
mostly, 3 to 4 times a day.  They sleep ALL the time!!!  We have 5 other
ferts in our house, happy, bouncy, live wires.
Any suggestions would be GREATLY appriciated!  You can post in the FML or
e-mail us directly at [log in to unmask]  This is a new experience for
us and we've never had a fert not eat.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Marsha & Jerry   Verrrry worried fert parents!
[Posted in FML issue 2126]