Hi Sheba, et.al.
The litter you quote, called Good Mews, Found at Petco.  It is 100% paper
but scented with cedar, is (in my opinion), very bad as the oils are volital
and cause respiratory problems just like the wood.  It's the bad part of
cedar wood, in fact.  Petsmart carries Yesterday's News, also a re-cycled
newspaper product, but it has sodium aluminia silicate, a mineral..  It's
not a volital oil so it doesn't become airborn continuousely, but can get
into a dust if stirred, not a big hazzard unless your fert digs & plays in
the new litter.
Petsmart used to carry Nature Fresh litter, made by the Golden cat co.
800-835-6369, 573-334-1588, In MO.  Dianne=rep.  It uses a citrus mix
sprayed on the same newspaper pellets for de-odorizer and it seems like the
ideal.  Lots of us were disgruntled with Petsmarts switch so I sent a sample
to Petco's litter buyer & he's considering carrying it.  There are smaller
stores that do carry it, call Golden cat & they'll refer you.
take care.
 Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>
[Posted in FML issue 2125]