Just about three years ago, my husband and I flew from Juneau, AK to
Seattle, WA on Alaska Airlines.  While we couldn't take our two fur kids
with us on board, they let us check them as baggage, assuring us that the
baggage area is just like being in the cabin.  Well, our kids came through
with flying colors!  In fact, they seemed to travel better than I do, at
least on the airplane.
We made the return trip at the end of June, Seattle to Juneau on Alaska
Airlines.  Again, all ferrets had to fly in the cargo hold, it was a nonstop
flight.  We went with seven ferrets in four carriers at $50 per carrier.
All ferrets came through with flying colors, and everyone at the Seattle
ticket counter was really nice about everything.  I highly recommend flying
Alaska Airlines with your ferrets in cargo.
Melanee Ellis
Juneau, Alaska
[Posted in FML issue 2112]