Hi all!
I read a response to someone..about ppl who are not certified..to not second
guess Vets.  I have to add that although I am not a certified Vet tech,
where work, I am often asked by the Vets..my thoughts on how a patient is
progressing, especially when it comes to ferrets.  I am their "ferret
expert" there..often asked BY the Vets..  what other medicines can be used
for adrenal and lymphoma...they have never heard of "duck soup", and I do
surprise them by my knowledge.  I am not boasting here..it is a bit
embarrassing when I am asked in front of a client about a ferret problem..
One of our new vets is just out of school..and she said that they don't
learn too much about ferrets or even deal with them until their senior
year..and then by that time..they are also cramming for their boards..doing
Also, IMHO, vets sometimes only see the obvious..and miss the sublime.
especially if its a busy office..like ours is..  I have diagnosed, paralysis
in a cat {by looking at the nonmovement of its tail}, brought a cat out of a
coma, when the owners were told to give up {the cat was caught in a fan
belt,} she is doing great with no problems, saved another cat from
euthanasia, the Vets thought was that it had FIP, causing its joints to
swell and give it a fever..when all it had was two abscesses on its
legs..small but they were there.  The cat is healthy as ever.
I have had little training there as far as this goes..only my experience
with many animals, and keen observasation, has helped me.  the Vets have the
final say in any matter..but it does help to have another, stand back and
take a different view.
May the fuzzies be with you
[Posted in FML issue 2124]