This message was sent to me yesterday afternoon by DD Glaser, Secretary of
Brevard Ferret Lovers Rescue. I hope everyone else will be as excited as I
Subject:  GREAT NEWS!!
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I have just picked up a message from my answering machine and there was a
message from Dr. Landis Crockett (State Health Department, Tallahassee) for
Marie Wallace.
The message is this:
Florida recognizes the modifications that will be incorporated into the 1998
version of the Compendium of Animal Rabies Control (NASPHV).  All procedures
are currently being modified to reflect these changes.
In a nutshell, ferrets in Florida that bite will now be granted a 10 day
quarantine (the same as dogs and cats)!
Also, FYI, the bill (HB3115) will continue to go through legislation as the
Compendium, although recognized by Health Departments in the United States,
is only *recommending* the inoculations and quarantine.  Laws are much
If anyone would like to thank Dr. Crockett for his good news, he can be
reached at (850) 921-2220.
DD Glaser for Marie Wallace
[Posted in FML issue 2124]