I am so proud of my boo ferrets!  I took them to the vet's Monday evening
for Puffo's 12 week distemper shot and (finally) Janice's booster.  They
were perfect angels.  Puffo has doubled in size -- he's a whopping 2.3
pounds!!!  The vet said he was "beautiful".  Puffo said, "Of course I am!"
And Janice actually gained a few ounces, too!  I am so pleased with them.
Puffo, unfortunately went home and promptly ate my favorite plant, "Robert"
(well, destroyed is more like it.).  I suppose I'll just have to forgive
him, though.  I made clippings of Robert for posterity.  So Puffo can have
leftovers if he wants to!  Janice and he slept in the same hammock last
night with no squabbles.
Ferret hugs,
Christine and Janice and Puffo in a life of ferrety bliss.
        (Now if everything ELSE would just work out like that....)
[Posted in FML issue 2123]