I purchased 2 German kits from a breeder about a month ago.  One male and
one Fm.  THey are from same parent.  both 8 months old now.As FM grows, I
realized that M stayed very thin and detached from everything.  I saw that
he had a diaria.  When I realized that I took him to a vet which was past
FRiday, she suspects a back injury because he did not have any fever and he
is dragging his back.  Vet told me to watch him couple of days and if there
is no improvement, We will get an X-Ray.  As I watch him closer I see that
he can lift his back and walk but not too long.Back half of his body rolls
to a side as an empty trailer.  He gets tired quickly.  I am hoping that
this is cosed by diarea.
I am feeding him 4 times a day with a syringe.  HE refuses to eat anything,
inclluding Nutra-Cal which Girl dies for.  Besides being worried for his
life, I don't know what happens if his back injured?  Would he get healed?.
I don't know how could have back injury might had happened?  At this point I
seperated the two from each other.  I am very sad and don't know what to do
.  I need an expert advise.  Would you please give me a piece of mind.I
don't want him to die nor be in pain.
PS: He didn't even blink when Vet was giving him a shot from his back, that
was the main thing to lead Dr. to think that he may be injured because of a
very weak posture.
[Posted in FML issue 2119]