My Dear Jennifer and Jamie,
Let me please tell you that I have been feeding kits, even before their eyes
are opened, on home-made soup. (The adults too.) I vary their diets as much
as possible so they don't become fixated on one and only one type/brand of
ferret food.
Do you like a MEAT and potatoes stew, with lots of vegetables cooked right
in the stew?  Well, I do too, and you know something?  The ferrets love it
also and they do just fine.  I also include cooked in the oatmeal, skim
milk, eggs, peanut butter, bananas, and natural yoghurt along with garlic,
onions, and brewers powdered yeast.  Every other day or so they all get a
couple of orange segments as well.
This whole, briefly cooked mix is pulverized to the smallest particle size
possible in a good quality blender at the highest possible speed "FRAPPE."
Jennifer, I love you for doing the best for ferrets that you can, but I just
can't disagree more with you on your advice.  As a ferret breeder of
long-standing (since 1981) my experience with ferret nutrition is just not
in agreement with your advice.  But, please feel free to do it your way.
So sorry, but that's the way I see it.
        Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit [L.]
                Perchance even these things it will be hereafter delightful
                        to remember.
Edward Frettchenvergnuegen Lipinski,  Der Frettchenlustbarkeitsfuehrer !
[Posted in FML issue 2118]