I read with interest the post by the person concerned with someone in
California taking his (her) ferret in public.
I was not aware that California would arbitrarily euthanize any impounded
animal.  I agree that one should consider that ferrets are illegal in
California and that taking your ferret public is asking for unneeded
attention (sic), but to come right out and state that California's officials
would take and destroy the ferret is not factual reporting.  There is enough
emotion in the frustrations of individuals trying to legalize ferts in
California already...we sure don't need this kind of distortion clouding the
The truth be known, the impounding of ferrets in California just dowsn't
happen all that much any more.  There are pockets of 'do-gooder' Fish and
Game employees that will do what ever they can to enforce the anti-ferret
laws, but even those cases, euthanization is not practiced...the fert is
usually turned over to a rescue agency to be shipped out of state.
Citations, court appearances, and fines may be a part of this process (As
has happened to several of our fellow FML'rs) I have been asked on a number
of occasions to be the recipiant of a shipped ferret.  (I live in Reno,
Nevada, just over the California line, 5 hours tops from San Francisco)
Pat, if you are reading this, would you care to comment on the euthanization
of impounded ferrets in California?  (Pat has been in the thick of
California anti ferret law and legalization efforts for some time!)
In many of the areas I go to in California (All close to Reno..draw the arc!
heh heh) I know people who have ferrets and openly take them with them
where-ever they go in their community.  I even know several Placer County
Sheriff's Deputies that own ferrets.  I know a park ranger in the San
Francisco area that owns ferrets!
So.........Unless I am wrong (Who, ME???) Cal's F & G does not kill ferrets.
I wonder what would happen if ferret owners in California were to have a
'coming out day', a day that everyone in Cal would display their ferrets
publically.  Think it would open anyone's eyes to the number of ferts in Cal
already and that obviously the ecology has not been destroyed??.............
hmmmmmmmmmm Food for thought.
Joe  (The rude one)
[Posted in FML issue 2118]