I have a question I hope everyone can help with.  My baby boy Pato (an 11
1/2 month old sable gib) has brownish stains on the "business end" of his
top "fangs." It started on his left side first, then appeared on the right
side.  All of his other teeth are just fine, no build up of tartar, etc.  It
doesn't seem to be anything but unsightly, but I am concerned.  Is there any
way to get it off?  He refuses to chew on bones or anything but soft drink
tops and straws.
The boys eat Kaytee Ferret Food, Ferretone and Ferretvite, raisins once in a
while, and occasionally a drink of milk.  I really don't know what could be
causing this.  Any suggestions?
His health seems to be excellent, just these two little brown spots on the
ends of the fangs.  All the talk of ferret teeth lately made me hope that
all of you people who are so knowlegeable might be able to point me in the
right direction.
Catherine, Pato and Snowball (The "Dirty White Boy")
[Posted in FML issue 2117]