Hello everyone,
I am very sorry to report that another one of the Fredonia girls has crossed
the rainbow bridge.  Last night when I got home I found our little girl Boo
Boo had passed on.  She died sometime yesterday afternoon in her sleep.
For the past week she has been really sleepy.  I thought it was just due to
the change in season and her system was fighting off the ECE virus which has
made Lucy and Brutus so sick.  On Monday night she seemed as though she was
having problems even staying awake.  She was also having problems eating.
It was as though she couldn't even chew.  We gave her a little pedialyte and
some softened totally ferret.  She ate a little bit and then wanted to crawl
into my pajama leg.  All she wanted to do is snuggle with me.  At one point
I put her down on the couch and Lucy got up and snuggled with her as if she
knew something was happening.  I am so thankful that I spent so much time
with her on Monday night.  I had her in my sweatshirt for a few hours while
I was watching TV and I kept talking to her telling her she was going to get
Michael feels terrible that he brought home the panda kit, Bravo.  He feels
as though none of this would have happened without bringing this kit home.
I feel guilty for not being a good mother and bringing her to the vet on
Monday night but I just thought that she was just coming down with the ECE
virus.  Boo Boo, I am so sorry.
I brought her to the vets office last night and Dr. Atkins said she would do
a necropsy and let me know the findings.  She was very sweet and said that
she would not charge me for these services.  She feels that it may have been
her heart.  She had an existing heart murmur and it may have just been her
time.  We are then going to pick her up next weekend and bring her to
Pennsylvania to be buried at my Mom' farm.
Please give your babies a kiss and hug for me tonight.
Best regards,
Lucy, Brutus and Bravo
In Loving Memory of Boo Boo
[Posted in FML issue 2116]