Harley has decided he wants to be a pirate for Halloween.  Oso will go as a
weezie ghost and Akasha will go as a princess with her new dress that Linda
from CA sent us.
Harley continues to improve, even though his eye is weeping still.  Oso is
doing a little better now that I have him on the same regime of therapy that
I have Harley on.  Hopefully I will be able to afford to get some of Timmy's
Tonic for them too.  Thank you to all the well wishers out there.  Your
support has been well appreciated and I thank you from the bottom of my
I think Oso's right adrenal gland has acted up.  He is starting to loose his
hair again.  I wish the original doctor doing his surgery could have had a
look at it when he lost his left gland.  I will try to get some thing to
make him feel better, but I don't think it would be a good idea to proceed
with surgery again.
Harley is just such a wind up toy.  He never stops.  I guess that means he
is feeling better.  Linda also sent us some TF to try and I think that may
be helping too.  I usually use Mazuri as it is much cheaper for me.
Have a great week end!!
Love, Harley, Oso, Akasha & Randy
[Posted in FML issue 2111]