I'm back from my vaca...er, conference (was in San Diego) and all of the
ferts seem fine.  My main reason for writing is to kind of smugly note that
my vet, who never really knew what was wrong with Noodle early this summer,
said in August that he didn't think Noodle would make it to the end of
September.  Woops - and here we are in November, and Noodle has a simply
gaw-jus coat of fur and is 1 lb heavier than he was during whatever awful
summer illness he had.  Because I have a happy reason to do so, I say
"neener neener" to that vet.  In the happiest possible way, of course.  :)
That isn't to say, of course, that Noodle still isn't sick with whatever
it was he had.  He still occasionally coughs, but he's all-around much
healthier than he was before.
Other ferts:
Easel is doing her best to become a pumpkin, in form if not in action.  I am
going to try to wean Friday off the prednisone she's been on since her nodes
have been down for a while and she no longer seems to 'gurgle' if the dose
is too low.  Right now she's down from .2cc a day to .1cc a day and I'm
going to take her to every other day soon (like, today. :).
Question: Potpie has had very funny stool lately.  It's jelly-like in
consistency, no form to it, clear grey or tan in color, usually with some
sort of formless white blobs in it.  Quite gross, really, but she seems
otherwise healthy.  It hasn't been normal for a few weeks, but since she
seemed well enough I thought I'd wait until after my trip to take her to the
vet.  She does have more normal brown stool as well, but it is also often
loose.  Any ideas?  She's eating and drinking normally, and she gets
electrolyte solution made constantly available in her cage.  She has been
lethargic, but not terribly so in a way abnormal to the time of year and
changing seasons.
Hm.  I suppose I hadn't thought that the first 'stool' might also be a very
thick urine.  I will pay more attention.
Oh, and everyone remember to give your ferrets a good long scratching now
that it's shedding season. :)  Easel sat still on my lap for longer than she
ever has before while I scratched her from nose to butt.  Poor little gimp.:)
 __ Melissa Litwicki ____ [log in to unmask] __
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 2115]