Hello, Dinky here.  I know you heard 'bout me 'cause mom (I think they call
her Toni) talks 'bout me all da time.  I just want to say tank u to all the
nice hoomans who wished me a Happy Birthday.  Mom didn't bake me a cake or
nuttin but I got some deelicious punkin pie with a little dollop of fluffy
milk stuff on it.  She was pretty stingy with the fluffy milk stuff tho.  Why
won't she gives me more when I luv it so.  I'm not sure what Happy Birthday
means, but I hope I get lots of em.  Treats, kisses, treats, singing, treats
and lots or (war) dancing was going on around here.  Gotta go.
Dinky(mom doesn't know I'm using her caputer)
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[Posted in FML issue 2140]