I live in Sydney Australia and have been breeding ferrets for seven years
for pets.  Some of these pets are also used for flushing rabbits out of
their holes (quite legal in Australia, they are an incredible exotic pest)
but I don't myself.  Minced rabbit, (containing liver and kidneys) is
readily available fresh, and is one of the cheapest pet foods.  Kangaroo
meat is available but I refuse to feed my ferrets on native fauna even
though I have seen ferrets raised on it very successfully.  It is fat free
and full of protein.  Salmonella can be a problem so I give them at least
one meal a week of cooked chicken wings, and as Australian soils are also
deficient in zinc, I add a supplement of zinc and fatty acids called
EFA-Zed, which does marvelous things to their skin and fur.
They also have dry food available and their bedding material is lucerne hay.
(Alfalfa I think?)
Lots of mosquitoes too, so they are also given monthly doses of Ivermectin
as a heartworm preventative. (Kills mites too)
It is only in the last few years that publicity about lactose intolerance
has reached some breeder/owners, sadly for ferrets they have been fed (?)
on bread and milk for ages (YUK)
David (Walrus) Miller :)=
Sydney DownUnder
[Posted in FML issue 2138]