>From:    Nancy Sander <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Travel Litter Pans?
>What do the people who travel at all with their ferrets use in their
>carrying cages for litter pans, because they don't make them small enoug h
>and there is only limited space?
Little Tupperware or Rubbermaid containers for sandwiches work well, or the
slightly larger ones if your ferret is overly fussy about litterbox space.
A little ingenuity and a couple of dollars will solve lots of your problems
when it comes to ferrets pooping :-)  Oh, and two small holes drilled into
the carrier and the litterbox and a zap strap will keep that litter pan
nicely in place.
>From:    Adele   Asencio <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Big Thank You
>I don't know how many of you read my post but in the end I apologized fo r
>across posting because I belong to this list (watch I love) and the FFML
>and I put my message for help on both lists.  As of today I no longer
>belong to FFML....
> P.S. This is NOT a flame for FFML!! Its just my personal experience.
Which of course we all needed to know about.
Hey, this is great, letting slams about other lists go through on this list.
Maybe we can the lists fighting as much as some of the individuals fighting
within the lists!  Heck, maybe it can be an all out brawl!  I'm gonna enter
one of my joke e-mail lists and fight with a little humour.
Or maybe there's an alternative ... maybe everyone can keep their bad
feelings and racist jokes and personal dislikes *off* both the lists and we
can talk about ferrets again.  It's a novel idea, I know, but it sure sounds
like a good one to me.  If we make it that far, maybe we can even subscribe
and unsubscribe from any lists in the world that we like and not make a
public announcement about it.  Maybe we could even actually read intro files
and follow posting guidelines and not flame people or lists, not tell each
other how much we hate particular individuals, take responsibility for our
own cross-posting errors and remember that there are lots of people on lists
all over the internet (and for that matter the world) who don't agree with
us, but yet still not take it personally, nor insult someone personally.
For example, I have a question.  I have a kit with a broken elbow, and since
she's far too small for surgery and she ripped the splint off faster than
you could say, well, "splint," we decided just to leave her confined in a
carrier until it heals on its own.  I hate leaving her locked in a teeny
weeny carrier, but I also want to make sure she heals nicely.  Hows about an
alternative form of exercise that doesn't strain her leg ... swimming maybe?
It's a front leg, if that makes a difference.
Now remember -- don't flame the kit for breaking her elbow, and don't tell
us all about how much you hated your Swimming list which is why you
unsubscribed from that list and don't tell me what a dork I am for not just
leaving her in the carrier for 4 weeks.  Just tell me how I can make life a
little happier for this 13 week old gimpy-ferret.
Sheena and the    |  proud LOMIG member  8-)
Wherret Ferrets!  |  "to be sane in a world of madness
Come see us at:   |    is in itself a kind of madness"
[Moderator's note: I considered Adele's post to meet the guidelines of this
list -- her comment was indeed ferret related and was a factual account of
an incident, not a flame.
The Ferret Forum Mailing List (i.e. not THIS list but another list with a
similar name) does indeed help ferrets and their owners just as this list
does.  I frequently encourage people to join both -- they can choose to drop
one or the other if they wish to drop any at all.  Each list has a different
"feel" and different ways of doing things, but the most important thing for
me is that people who want ferret information can get it in whichever ways
they feel most comfortable.  I think it's great that alternatives exist and
I wished the moderator of the FFML, Christine, the best of luck when the
FFML was started.  The FFML is not a competitor -- I don't run the FML for
fame and fortune (in fact, it costs me quite a bit) -- but an alternative.
As mentioned more than once on the FML, the Ferret Forum Mailing List is
at [log in to unmask]  Send a "subscribe ferret-forum" to join.   BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2137]