Dear concerned shelter operator.
I am a bit behind in reading the FML but I did want to respond to your post
concerning adrenals and being a bad shelter operator.
In my opinion you are the best thing that happened to these creatures in
your shelter.  I think that you show love and concern for your charges and
even though they may not be getting the needed surgery they are still better
off then they ever were.  They are fortunate to have you as their
care-giver.  I also think that if you can get foster parents for these guys,
whether or not they, or you, can supply the surgery, you are still giving
better care then they ever had before.
I suppose I sympathize (or should I say empathize) with you because I find
that we are in a similar predicament and I understand where you are coming
from.  We are a semi shelter (long story) and we have one now that has
adrenal problems and we went through the surgery question.  Nikki is over 5
years old and last year at this time she began to lose her fur at the base
of her tail and by Spring she was almost all bald.  Her vulva was swollen
for a time but then we put the ferrets in a room that was well lit with
florescent lights (long story again).  When we moved at the end of August,
the ferrets were put in a room with a fair bit of natural lighting and her
fur started growing back.  It was at that time that we tapped into Dayna
Frazier's lighting regime and we have special "growing lights" above her
cage.  If you want to know more I can send you a copy of her documents.  She
now has a full coat, ready for winter and she seems fine.  She probably
still has an adrenal problem but it appears that things have reversed with
her.  Have you been following this vein on the FML in the last few months?
If so, this probably will make more sense.  If you want to chat more, please
do so.  We also have a separate room for them and they take turns being out
in groups, several hours at a time.  This gives them play room so they don't
have to be in their cages all the time.  One also has the run of our
bedroom, all day.
Perhaps this last paragraph digressed a bit but what I mean to say is, if
you are doing the best you can with what you have and can afford you are
doing more than a lot of people are doing and again I say, these fuzzies are
blessed to have you as a friend and caregiver.  Don't let anyone tell you
Take care and God bless you.  You are not a bad shelter operator.
Tryntje Miller and her husband, dog and gang of 9 fuzzy buts (including
[Posted in FML issue 2136]