>...I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem.  My ferret's
>name is O'Malley.  He is a beautiful brown sable color.  However, over the
>past couple of weeks the fur on the top of his head has become lighter in
>color, almost as if he was going gray!  Overall he is still your average
>O'Malley.  What's going on?
Don't worry...I have had the same thing happen to one of my fuzzies, Fred.
He is a very dark sable, but a couple months ago, I noticed that the fur on
and around his head lightened to a gray-ish silver color.  Ferret's coats
can change somewhat as they age.  I have heard of many other sables that had
that occur.  I actually think that it is kinda pretty now, and have noticed
that the fur on/around his head is way softer than any other part of his
body.  I think that is makes a fuzzbutt unique and special.
Jennifer M. Coyer CVT
Fred, Faya and Zero the nutty fuzzbuckets
[Posted in FML issue 2114]