My eight year old ferret Chloe is sick with cardiomyopathy and adrenal
disease.  Lately, she's been having problems getting into her litter box.  I
gave her one with very low sides (about and inch) and sometimes she makes it
and sometimes she doesn't.  Right now, I"m scrubbing out her cage 3 times a
day and changing the blankets just as often.
I know that she doesn't have very long left now, but I want to make sure she
lives as long as possible.  She's still happy and not in pain, so I don't
want to do anything until she's ready.
Has anyone had to deal with this and do they have any advice?  I've tried
newsprint instead of the litter box in her cage, but she won't use it.
(Funny, she'll use it outside of the cage).  I just feel terrible when I
come home from work and find her sleeping in a filthy cage.
Any and all suggestions are welcome.
Judith in Toronto
with Chloe and Buddy
[Posted in FML issue 2136]