Well, I've been educated everyday since I arrived in Switzerland on the
differences in "human" treatment of animals.  Lots of political paperwork
(more then most would do)<--since only about 100 ferrets in entire
country.....and I own three!!  I've been required to get a cage as large as
a US refridgerator to allow enough exercise space for my trio, there are no
ferret products and least to say ferret food here.  The challenges I meet
daily are enough to drive a mom "Mad".
The next challenge is educating the Cantonal Vet, who believes each ferret
need his or her own cage (as lrg as a US refridgerator)  I am looking for
posts from ferret owners on the recommended
1. cage size
2. # of fuzzies in cage of particular size
3. Reason (as experienced owner) you feel cage is appropriate.
I will be printing out these posts to waver the Cantonal Vet to my position.
Which is, I believe a cage this size is more then adaquate for 3 ferrets
(almost too much space for cleanliness<--too many corners to choose to poop
in) And that separating the trio would be detrimental to their loving
bond<--they need each other!!  :)
I am also looking for others in Switzerland who own ferrets.  I will be
traveling to the states soon (christmas) and need someone to ferret sit!!
Please help.
[Posted in FML issue 2114]