My beautiful sable girl died in my arms at 9:28 tonight.  She was so brave
to hang on these last few months.  She was so small, yet so brave.  She
would take on my biggest cats and they would run, she loved to sit up and
roll over for a raisen, and she was such a little lover.  When I picked her
up she would lick my nose as a greeting.  For the last week she could not
eat on her own, so I would hold her in my arms and feed her Duck Soup with a
spoon.  We did not know whether it was cancer or cardio, but her poor heart
just gave out tonight.  I did everything I could, but could not save her.
Today, when I came home from work, she was standing up inside her cage
waiting for me.  She must have known this was the last time she would greet
me.  I let her out of her cage and she staggered and fell down.  She ate a
little and then went into my bedroom and lay down.  I was going to take her
to the vet once more tomorrow to see what else we could do for her.  She
chose to cross the Rainbow Bridge and I hope that she finds Kodo and all the
others to play with.
Mickey, I will never forget you.  I have a special coffee cup with your
picture on one side of it and  we will treasure your memory always.
We Love You,
Dona, Suzi-Q, Baby Cosmo
[Posted in FML issue 2135]