Someone wrote a letter last evening (sorry, I don't remember her name) about
her visit to the South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue.  I really wish I
could have been with her on that trip.
However, I would like this lady to know that there is no way that she can or
anyone else can possibly win first prize in the the shelter's photo contest
because I sent a photo of my blue-eyed silver mitt (no camera tricks
involved - you can see that photo on the ferret photo gallery page).
But, there are second and third prizes available.  However, I also sent a
photo of my 4-pound Swedish angora Royal-Pastel with a full 3-inch coat.
Lars is so gorgeous, he can't stand it himself - everytime he sees himself
in a mirror, he passes out.
But, there are also honorable mentions, so how about some competition.  It
is not to late to send some photos, accompanied by a $5 entry fee for each
to The South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue, Inc.  P.O.  Box 570927, Miami,
FL 33257.  The fees help support the shelter.
Lets do it for the ferrets - glory for yours and help for theirs.
Mary Cohen - hug those fuzzies!
[Posted in FML issue 2102]