I have a Black Lab who is the MOST patient, loving and tolerant thing on
this earth.  She has played happily and gently with 2 week old kittens, sat
happily while my lovebird climbed and nibbled all over her and lived through
my five children.  I desperately want to introduce her to my ferret "Mo",
however when I held Mo on my shoulder and let her see Tasha, my lab, Tasha
remained quite calm and curious about Mo, while Mo let out a screech the
likes of which I've never heard before, except from the owls on our property
at night.  I definitely don't want to give Mo a heart attack, but think they
could be great companions given a chance.  Any tips on how to get this
relationship off the ground??  I hate to have to keep them apart when they
are both such a big part of the family.  thanks for any advice......
[Posted in FML issue 2102]