Hi everyone,
I have been reading this list for awhile now.  I have 2 fuzzy's (Maggie and
Sissy) and I need to find out something.
I have a zoo here at my house..  or at least that is what my friends call
it.. :)  I got my little girls, a cat (Pouncer) and a iguana (Bluebeard).
Well not long ago Maggie and Bluebeard got into a fight and Bluebeard ended
up with a bit on his nose..  Well now Bluebeard freeks everytime the girl or
Pouncer gets near him..  and I can't move Bluebeard cause his cage it way
too big to move down the hall..  and the only place I feel comfortable
letting the girls play is in the living room..  you guessed it... right
where Bluebeard's cage is.  I have heard of some shuff that you can put down
to keep pets out of areas they are forbidden to be..  it is a spray..  well
i went and looked at it but one is for cats and the other one is for dogs
and then there is one for both... but I need to know if it would work for
fuzzy's..  or Any suggestions to keep them away from Bluebeard cause telling
them NO and moving them away isn't getting through to them...
Thanks for your time,
Barbie, Sissy, Maggie, Pouncer and Bluebeard
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[Posted in FML issue 2102]