Florida (with your help) will finally be ferret friendly.  House Bill #3115
(828.35) is now ready to hit the FL legislative floor in the 1998
Legislative Session.  Visit the following HTML
and where Dog and Cat are in print, substitute the word ferret.  This Bill
titled "The Mina Baxter Bill" will provide a mandated rabies vaccine program
as well as establishing a quarantine period for ferrets that bite or
scratch.  For all who reside in or vacation in FL , Please call , write or
fax you're local Senators and Representatives and voice you're support for
HB-3115.  The following HTML will provide you with FL representatives e-mail
address's.  ( http://www.leg.state.fl.us/house/members/email.html ) The
following HTML will provide you with the names and locations of the Senators
in you're area. (http://www.leg.state.fl.us/senate/images/maps/sdismap.html)
Please be polite and to the point when voicing your support to these hard
working delegates and their assistants ( homemade chocolate chip cookies
delivered to their front door may not hurt either ).  We are in desperate
need of donations that will fund transportation needs to and from the state
capital in Tallahassee which is a 4 hour drive from here one way.  Many long
distance phone calls related to this issue alone are made every day.
Printed correspondance in the form of letters , documents , buisness cards
etc... are snail mailed almost every day.  And suitable attire is needed for
14 year old Mina Baxter in the event that she appears with Gov.  Lawton
Chiles for a special signing session of this bill (Tim Farante assistant to
our Rep.  Howard Futch is working on setting up this very special event).
Representative Howard Futch and his assistants Tim Farante and Corky are
responsible for taking on the task of drafting and representing this bill in
the House , a great deal of gratitude is due this team of dedicated
individuals and perhaps a phone call to (407) 722-5353 from you will show
just how much we do appreciate their hard work.  We are in the process of
recruiting a Senator to sponsor this bill in the Senate ( it should be any
day now thanks to the valiant efforts of Susie Sherman )
Any questions can be directed to either me (Marie Wallace) at
[log in to unmask] or (Susie Sherman) at [log in to unmask]
Thank you
Marie Wallace
[Posted in FML issue 2102]