Hi everybody-
Just wanted to let everyone know that I finally got my 2 new fuzzies
yesterday.  Fred, previously only child got 2 new friends, a tiny female
sable, Faya, and a sweet champagne, Zero.  At first Fred was a little upset
and tried to nip a bit, but after introducing them for about 20 minutes, I
let them down on the floor and they went totally nuts, running around and
playing together- dook dook dook!!!  This the first time Fred has been
around other ferrets since he was a baby, so I was very surpised that they
got along so well.  The new furrkids are very rambunctious, but I love it.
And Faya is ssssoooo tiny that she can squeeze into just about anything and
loves to climb climb climb.  She even sometimes resembles a flying squirrel
the way she climbs to the top of something and then runs, jumps and flies
across the room, in efforts to get on top of something out of reach.
Sometimes she makes it, like on top of the table, and uh-oh, sometimes she
doesn't.  You'd think that would slow her down, but nope!  She get's up,
shakes her lil' head and starts all over again :o)!  And Zero, well he's
just a big teddy bear.  He loves to steal Fred's toys, especially this one
squeaky soccer ball, which has Fred a bit annoyed.  But altogether, they
seem very happy.  For those who don't know, I adopted these cuties from a
woman that posted a letter here a little while ago, stating that she need to
find new homes for her fuzzbutts, because of medical reasons/complicated
pregnancy.  I was more than happy to take over as their ferretMom, and could
empathize with her situation.  I have heard that she got much criticizm from
other readers, and I would just like to say that there was nothing wrong
with what she did.  She has circumstances and a situation that was
uncontrollable, and realized that her furrkids weren't getting the right
amount of attention and cared enough to find someone who did have the time
for them.  I wish that there had been more support for this woman, instead
of negative feedback.  Well, dooks to all.
Jennifer M. Coyer CVT
[Posted in FML issue 2100]