Hi Gang
Now for me the best place to get a ferret is to adopt however I would not be
telling the truth if I said I never fell in love in a pet store and dished
out the cash, There has been allot of talk the last week about Marshall
Farms and I would really like to know what people feel goes on their and
what they base the feelings on, The fact is that the limited gene pool that
was mentioned the other day would be perfect for experimental animales
because science wants practical clones to do research on however what proof
is there that Marshal is doing this don't get me wrong I am not here to make
enemys and if I was I would definitely pick a mass breeder to be enemys with
I am just after the truth simply because I would not support a company that
raises Ferrets for science nor any product distributed by Marshal if this
was true.
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[Posted in FML issue 2100]