My 1 year old girl, Daisy, has an overabundance of earwax.  When I clean her
ears they are dirty again the next day.  My boy does not have this problem,
his stay clean for much longer.  I took Daisy to the vet thinking it could
be earmites and the vet didn't find any.  He said that there is a slight
chance that there just weren't any in the sample he got so he gave her a
shot of invermectin (I think) just in case.  It obviously wasn't earmites
and now it seems a little worse.  I noticed this morning that she even has
it caked in the fur in front of her ears and I just cleaned them yesterday.
I use a nonmedicated ferret ear cleaner.  Her ears also smell terrible!
They seem to hurt because she doesn't even want my hands near them.  Could
she have an ear infection?  If anyone knows what this could be please e-mail
me.  Thanks, Melanie
[Posted in FML issue 2099]