This is my first post so I hope I don't mess up too much.......
Help!  I'm trying to teach my Fang tricks and he wont eat any treats!  Well,
that's not necessarily true, he will eat one thing besides his food, MILK.
That's all he wants!  I've tried lactose free and all that so he could have
more of it but he wont touch it.  I've tried all kinds of meats, eggs, fruit
and store-bought treats.
He wont touch anything besides his dried food (I even tried canned to no
avail) and regular milk.  He will let me switch his brands of dried food,
but I'm afraid if he gets sick I wont be able to give him any soft foods or
anything, plus I'd like to be able to reward him with something that wasn't
potentially harmful.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? He doesn't even chew on cords or
anything which I AM grateful for...
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Cynthia, Marvin,& Fang
[Posted in FML issue 2099]