this is in responce to the request for training stories.  I currently have 4
ferrets.  Rascal was our first then Smudge, Taz and now Bandit.  We have
learned that positive reinforcement works well.  Find something they like
well, ie; raisins, bananas, papyas, dog biscuits, etc.  let them know you
have their favorite treat set them down across the room and call their name
and when they come give them the treat.( it's best if you work with one
ferret at a time so they learn their names) It will take a few times before
they catch on but it should work.  thats how we trained Rascal and Smudge to
come when called.  If you want them to come to a whistle or sqeeky sound
then add that after their name.  We have also taught Rascal and Smudge to
roll over.  Rascal will only go one way, but Smudge is ambadextrious she
will go both ways.  You teach them to roll over like you would a dog and
them use possitive reinforcement.
Well, I hope that helps you out a little, and just remember to be patient it
won't happen over night.
[Posted in FML issue 2097]