Hi there, My name is Kirsten and I am prouldy owned by two ferrets, Kitty
and Lynus.  I have been an FML lurker for a couple of months now and am
finally getting to my first post.  I have kinda been keeping up with the
Ferret Sightings and found one that probably hasn't been seen.  My boyfriend
has a computer game called Crusader: No Remorse.  Well in this game there is
a character called weasel.  When weasel makes his debut, there is a cute
little sable sitting on his shoulder licking his finger.  (probably
ferrevite) I was really impressed to see a lilttle ferret on a video game.
Until the next post
Dooks to all
Kirsten, Kitty and Lynus
[Posted in FML issue 2096]