Hello everyone
We have been wanting to get a Ferret for a long time and were lucky enough
to run across an ad in a local paper for one to give away.  We have had
Nibbles(aprox 6 months old) for almost 3 weeks now and she has been to the
Vet to be updated on her shots and checked over.
She is a very good Ferret, definitely not a biter.  She likes to show her
teeth in play, but just like her name, she just nibbles when we play.
Down to our question.  How often is safe for bathing a Ferret?  The people
we obtained her from said they bathed her 2 times a week.  They use baby
shampoo because we just don't have any Ferret specific products available
here.  If baby shampoo isn't good, what do you recommend.
Hoping someone can help us out and thanks for such a great list and place to
come and ask questions!
[Posted in FML issue 2096]