>From:    Cray Stephenson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Cushings Urine test
>From what I have seen and read "True" Cushings disease (Hyperadrenocortism)
>is rare in ferrets.  Adrenal disease in ferrets is normally
>hyperestrogenism.  This could explain why the cushings test is unreliable
>(the are checking for cortisol levels) and why the UT test is reliable
>(checking estrogen levels).
No.  Ferrets get hyperadrenocorticism (adrenal disease) quite easily but
instead of producing high levels of cortisol, they produce a variety of
other hormones and/or steroids in excessive amounts.  One of these may be,
but not always, estrogen.
Cushing's disease is a type of hyperadrenocorticism characterized by
excessive cortisol.
Mike Dutton, DVM, DABVP
[Posted in FML issue 2095]