Hi ferret lovers,
I am new to the fml, just received my second digest.
Since 1989, four little ferrets have blessed this house.  Now three of them
are gone, all to disease, and the sole survivor is my Chamuki, a beautiful
four year old silvermitt.  My first digest was the shelter status issue and
it saddens me that so many people work so hard to make this world a better
place for our fuzzbutts, but with so few resources.  We help to sponsor a
"foster-child" at the Oregon Ferret Shelter each year, but it still leaves
us wishing we could do more.
I also would urge everyone to REMEMBER KODO and all the other innocent
little ferrets that have been and are being slaughtered in Michigan.  Don't
let this fade away.  Send email, or whatever, to Michigan business leaders,
the Michigan tourism industry and anyone else who depends on Michigan's
reputation for their livelihood.  Don't let up.....it is a debt you owe!
Now, a question about a post that just appeared today, the Morris Animal
Foundation ferret shed study.  Do any of you know more about this group?
And finally (you say), I have a ferret site.  It is called "The Fuzzbutt
Chronicle" and it is at http://www.ctaz.com/~johno
It is a little sad, a lot of happy, and in the case of the Michigan
ferret-killing orgy, a little ugly....but it's up front, and every person
who ever loved a little fuzzie will know exactly where it's coming from.
Many thanks to the people who provide this great service, and to Jackie
Hawley for steering me to it.
Glenn J.
[Posted in FML issue 2094]