Hello everyone,
A few days ago Jitterbug suddenly started wheezing.  Her stomach was moving
kind of like she had the hiccups and she was making an odd sound kind of
like when they want to cough up hair (but her mouth wasn't wide open, which
it usually is when that really happens).  Still I gave her some laxatone,
but it didn't help.  I gave her some water, I checked for a blockage in her
airway - nothing.  She did not appear to be in any distress though and
seemed content to chew on her sister and go to sleep while her stomach was
still doing the hiccuppy thing.  It stopped shortly after she went to sleep.
It hasn't happened spontaneously again, but when she eats now she always
sounds like she is having trouble breathing.  There is this odd wheezing
sound although her stomach doesn't look like she is hiccuping anymore.  It
sounds awful, but she appears to be happy and healthy other than that.  She
still plays with her sister, climbs, dooks, war dances and causes general
mayhem - only when she is eating does she sound like she can't breathe or
has something stuck in her throat.
Other possiby relevant factors are that it has been very dry here lately and
she is an adrenal ferret.  Help!  Please if there are any vets out there (or
just folks who have experienced the same) send me e-mail at
[log in to unmask]  I am behind on my FMLs and want advice quick so please
write to me directly.  I am trying to find her a good vet here, but I live
in Los Angeles so it is difficult.  The few that will take ferrets seem to
be extremely lacking in ferret knowledge or specialize in things like heart
problems.  Please write soon.
Rebecca, Monkey and the wheezing Jitterbug
[Posted in FML issue 2094]