In my opinion (and experience as a board member of the Swedish Ferret
Society) the number one reason is that people who really cannot plan ahead
get ferrets: "I have to give him up as this is my last year in school"
(which can hardly be a surprise) is a typical reason.
Number two is that ferrets weren't really like they imagined them to be.
Nowadays I more actively try to scare people from getting ferrets: If asked
if they in general bite I no longer answer just "no" but start explaining
that they have to be taught not to [just like dogs!]; I mention their
seeming hyperactivity and that they don't always get along with other
ferrets; &c.
Number three is unexpected things like allergies, being transferred to work
abroad, divorces and so on.
All of the people who want help with placing their ferrets are of course the
good ones, compared to the alternatives.
On the bright side, at the moment we have at the moment no ferrets in
Stockholm who need new homes [we know about] and actually a waiting list of
people ready to adopt.  I'm sure it's not a long term condition as it never
has been, but it shows it's possible to find homes even if it takes time and
some have gotten homes far from here, even abroad.
 Urban Fredriksson  [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2093]