Whaaa... I would love to help out by adopting a fuzzy, but I'm in the middle
of North Dakota and cannot travel very far!  I also don't really have a lot
of extra $$ for adoption fees, etc.  I will definately keep the post to send
what I can when I can.  So, if anyone knows of a ferret in ND, Devils Lake
area needing a home, I'll see what I can do!
On another note, I *do* have a nearly full bottle of Pediapred left, that I
would be happy to donate, but I don't know how well it ships.  If someone
can get back to me, I'd be happy to send it.  It's about 3/4 of a 120mL
Hug the fuzzies for me!
Sue M.
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[Posted in FML issue 2093]