Hello all,
Mnay thanks to those kind souls who replied to my Saturday post about my
wife leaving me and putting my ferts in an unknown shelter.  They have not
turned up yet (tho I have a *tiny* lead), so please keep looking.
Meanwhile someone kindly donated an old blind albino to me to keep me
company for a while, but she's a college kid who knows nothing about blind
ferts.  Tika is a little sweetie, but I need some help and advice about the
special needs of a blind fert.
Now I know this request has been posted many times, but I'm too emotionally
distraught to search out that info, so please dont flame me for this
request, but can anyone send me any information at all about taking care of
a blind ferret?
Thanks to all of you again for your help and kind words!
[Posted in FML issue 2093]