Hi, I had to write seeing I saw a few days ago a post of keeping collars on.
Well I have a story that I never posted but scared me and my Bandit beyond
belief.  I have two ferrets that now do not wear a collar in my home, I'll
tell the story with all details seeing if something different happened I
could've lost my precious Bandit.
One evening I had the radio on, fiance (not at the time) came home and
turned on the TV.  Shortly after he came home I put the ferts collars on and
let them out, I always just slipped there collar over there head so I knew
that if they were in trouble they could slip out..... My fiance decided he
was going to take a shower and I started supper.  I wanted some quiet so I
shut everything off and went in to cook.  I had started the laundry and had
some in the dryer so I brought it into the bedroom.  I come out and I hear
this awful noise.  I see Tess with her head under the chair and I knew
something was up with Bandit.  As I came near Tess gave me some kind of an
awful look... Bandit was choking himself, not on purpose but he was hung up
in the chair, as I reached he thrust for the last time seeing the collar
broke (the latch part).  That night was horrible, vomiting etc..  He was
fine the next day but if the collar was secure and he couldn't break it or
if I wasn't in the room I don't know what could've happened and nor do I
want to think about it.
Bandit, since a kit, always had a collar on and this just changed my mind..
What if he can't break the next one, etc... I have both ferrets trained (or
they have me trained??) to come to different sounds.  I have more then one
and some louder then others..  I play hide and seek with them by calling for
them..  I'm always found and a treat is given.... So when I need to see that
they are okay I call them, give them a treat and send them on there way.  I
felt I should share the story.
Other things...  The heating unit, I had posted I believe a week or so
ago about my gas heater unit and not knowing how to protect my Tess..
[Moderator's note: The post abruptly ended here.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2091]