>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>I was very suprised to read the following portions of a response to
>someones questions regarding Squeaky Toys.  Everything that I have read up
>to this point has emphasized the fact that Ferrets DO NOT have "natural"
>hunting instincts, that they are Domesticated animals and have been for
>YEARS.  Isn't this response and the referrals to hunting instincts, prey,
>preditor misused in this case.  Also, aren't these types of comments apt to
>give the "other side" ammunition to their unfounded adversity to the little
>>Ferrets and other preditors probably focus in on the sound as a
>>localization signal.  Somewhere in his genetic heritage my ferret probably
>>has a dim racial memory of associating hunting with this sound.  It's
>>funny because it really looks like a reflex response since he goes into
>>his attack and all of a sudden stops and sorta looks surprised to find
>>himself biting me.
Thing he's, he's exactly right.  Ferrets, cats and dogs all have bits of
hunting instinct still in them, instincts that are small separate elements
of the entire hunting process that has to be honed into a complete whole by
a parent also familiar with hunting.  In ferrets, elements we see all the
time are the "grope around in a hole until you hear/smell/feel prey", the
"head shake of death" mentioned above, etc.
In dogs it's the tendency to form packs, the urge to chase smaller animals,
etc...in cats, we've got stalking, pouncing, waiting and watching holes...
shall I go on?  The fact that instincts related to hunting are still present
in our ferts is not a valid argument against treating them different under
the law from cats or dogs.
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[Posted in FML issue 2081]