Geeze. When it rains it POURS!
Squid is doing better.  He has gained some of his weight back, and is much
more active.  But he hasn't had any more of his little spells.  I had
assumed that they would be more frequent than this.  But, I am not
Lady has shed most of her hair, and is currently getting a brand new coat.
Unfortunatley, she is extreemly itchy.  There are no fleas on her.  But, she
just itches and itches.  What can I do for her?  She looks like she may have
lost a little weight too, but it could just be the fact that she has so
little hair compared to what she used to have.  I don't think that it is the
adrenal thing.  The hair is growing back too fast.
As for Nikki, she is a horse.  I have never seen an animal eat and poop as
much as she does.  She already weighs more than Lady does.  But, she does
have one annoying habit.  She takes the food out of the bin and flings it
everywhere.  I have spend more $$ on weasel food this month that I have in
my life.  She wastes cups of it at a time.  This happen to anyone else???
Also, I accidentally shut her weasel tail in the cage door.  I feel SOOOOOO
Bad.  What can I do for that?  She squealed real loud, but otherwise doesn't
appear to be in any pain.
E mail me direct with any answers. Thanks again.
PS: I think this FML is the most wonderful thing.  It is nice to have so
many people that own ferrets so acessible.  Thanks to BIG for doing it al
the time!
[Posted in FML issue 2088]