Hey all,
I just had to pass this along, as it has me just about wetting my pants I
was laughing so hard.
This morning I noticed Taos (my ferret with the "small ferret" Attitude)
chewing on one of the Cheweasels.  She had her head in a shoe box that was
on its side.  Whatever she is strange any way.  Then I noticed she got the
Cheweasel stuck on one of her incisor (fangs?) .  She shook her head, took a
couple of steps back, then ran forward head down....BONK into the back of
the box.  At first I didn't get it.  The she did it again.  Got it stuck,
shook her head, took a couple of steps back, RAN into the back of the box
head first.  I thought I was going to burst she was so silly.  That is what
she figured out to get the Cheweasel off her tooth.  I guess what ever
works.  Oh boy what a hoot.
This is the same ferret that just yesterday was VERY BAD.  She got lots of
cage time.  A friend brought her ferret over to meet ours.  Well in no time
flat Taos had attached herself to this new ferret and was trying to kill it.
The other ferret was terrorized.  It took scruffing and plugging Taos's nose
to get her to let go.  It was really bad.  Now this ferret is afraid of all
ferrets.  She would squeak and cry whenever one of our others came near.
But the rest of my kids were great.  They did not push the subject.  They
would just sniff and leave her alone.  Maybe next time things will go
better.  There will be No Taos in the scene.  It is odd that Taos would HATE
all ferrets except 'Her' ferrets, who she is not very nice to at all.  They
are all just bigger than her so can sit on her and get away.
Just another silly.  My husband and I have a ritual we go through with the
ferrets every morning.  For a while there Sammie, Hugo and Izzy were in the
habit of BOLTING out the door when ever they could.  Not a good thing.  So
now one of us goes to the front door and wiggles the knob.  5 ferrets come
running to try to bolt out the door as soon as it opens.  As they are being
kept busy the other one of us goes out the back door, gets the news papers,
and comes back in.  Much to the ferrets chagrin (sp?).  They only figure it
out when the Back door is loudly closed to let them know they were duped.
HA ha ha ha!!!!  Boy do we feel smart now.  The FLO just better watch out we
are onto them!.
Take it easy and give all your ferrets Big Wet Slobbery Kisses.  (They
love that!)
Sue and her frenzy of 5
Elbert - Ok But just one more kiss then I get a treat   Right???
Sammie - Oh yea kisses... and scratch my head while you kiss me
Hugo - NO you already got your one allocated kiss of the day
Izzy - You can kiss me but there is NO way I am kissing back
[Posted in FML issue 2081]