Few things...
Granted I've been back camping for a while I saw something at a pet store
that was totally wrong..  It was actually a poster for the 8in1 food..  I
don't remember word for word but it was wrong.  An arrow pointed to the tail
and said "Tail that doesn't wag".  Maybe it was that particular ferret but I
know that both of mine have been caught wagging there tail.
Okay while on the subject of tails I can't believe the shedding that is
going on.  I'm sure that I'm not the only one but the yearly shedding on the
tail this year is a lot.  I just got off the phone with my vet (called about
the tail), I guess she has seen a few that there tail went bald and is now
growing back new fur, it's just the shedding process..  I'm just wondering
am I the only one that my ferret is going through the shedding process on
this here FML?
Okay I do have a personal matter..  LISA I LOST YOUR ADDRESS.  Or at least I
can't seem to send anything to you all of a sudden, it keeps kick'n it back
to me.  Hope to hear from you so I can check the address.  Which brings me
to mention I think I may have a hard drive ready to crash.  I wish I could
take my computer to the vet to take care of its problems just I don't think
she wants to see my computer.  So mail here at work sometimes has been
getting lost etc... If I haven't gotten back to you on the help for my
cooking ferret plea I have tried and I just can't seem to send it..  I'm
letting my fianc=E9 decide what would be the best seeing he's got the tools
and patience.  I'll post with what we decided to do.  Sorry again that you
haven't got the mail but I thank every one of you for your help.
Okay that is all that I have for today..  For those in New England let's
enjoy this weather while it lasts.
[Posted in FML issue 2088]