>I do not have the ability to "see" into the future nor do most of the
>people I know, even though my mother may say she saw it coming she does
>not have the "sight".... what if my daughter becomes so sick that I can
>no longer properly care for my pets?  What if I was to become ill myself in
>any way?  What if finances become so tight that I can barely feed my
>children never mind the pets?
>Life is unpredictable, we can only do he best we can and no more.  I can
>not put my life on hold because of what if, I can not stop living today
>because of what may or may not happen tomorrow.
I completely agree.  Four years ago I had tons of ferrets.  I even had what
I considered a mini-shelter, as I would take in many lost ferrets, ferrets
in the local animal shelter who they were just going to "put down", or
ferrets whos owners didn't want them anymore and nurse them back to health,
then find them good homes.  There was nothing of the sort around where I was
living.  At the time I could not even concieve that someone would be giving
me their ferrets, most very unemotionally.  I had 6 of my own and that
certainly wasn't enough in my opinion.  Then it happened.  Word from the
military, my husband and I were being stationed overseas for a minimum year
but probably 2 (ended up being 2).  And it turned out that the country I was
going to required a 6 month quarantine of any animal coming into the country
and the boarding was at your own expense.  I was mortified, I couldn't think
of them being in a little cage for 6 months and having to pay $10 a day per
animal for this joy.  None of my friends understood my ferret obsession (or
family for that matter) and I was forced to adopt them out.  It was the
worst decision I ever had to make and I felt like a horrible mother.  Even
after we got back into the states, we didn't know where we were going to be
stationed so I held off on getting ferrets again until just recently.  I
even opted not to live in base housing since they have a 2 pet limit and I
new I could never just stick to 2.  Who knows what the future will hold for
me and carpet sharks.  I don't have kids yet, so life is ever-changing,
there is no way to predict what's going to happen, and you can't go through
life never owning a pet because you don't own a crystal ball.  I mean, there
is still a chance i could get stationed in California over the next 12 years
for, then I don't kwno what we'd do.
At any rate, what does bother me is that there seems to be a "rash" of
ferrets needing homes recently.  I believe one day last week there was 4 in
one issue, and at least one in almost all the other days.  I normally lurk
but have noticed a definete increase in the amount of postings by people who
need to give up their ferrets.  All I can say is at that even though it's
sad, and we wish that people could adapt to whatever situation they are
going through, at least these people are contacting us on the FML instead of
letting them loose, taking them to the pound or the various other
irresponsible things that those who run shelters are faced with.
Well, I think I'm done rambling for now, have a good day everyone.
[Posted in FML issue 2087]