We just wanted to give an update on the ferret we found in Detroit.  (One
personal reply I made did not go through.)
No one has come to claim the male ferret we found on Wednesday of last week.
We are hoping no one does because he is so sweet and we want to keep him.
He has been doing very well and getting along wonderfully with our three
girls.  He has never tried to bite which is a dream for us since our girls
(2 are 8 months, 1 is 6 months) still have a tendency to be nippy now and
then.  He seems older than they are (his canines are a bit larger), but I
don't ferrets enough to guess at any kind of age.  He got a bath, an ear
cleaning, and his nails clipped which were very long and not in too good of
shape.  He's going to the vet Saturday for a check-up.
All in all we are very happy.  :)  Oh... we named him Lucky.
Thanks for your concern,
Mary and Dave w/ Fidget, Jezebel, Dusty, and Lucky
[Posted in FML issue 2087]