Well, not 1 person responded to my question about Pet insurance =)
Thats ok!!! I am still wondering though.. does anybody know of ANY?
Thanks a billion.. Misty
[Moderator's note: The subject has come up several times recently.  Many
people on the FML have researched this and the conclusion seems to be that
there are no companies offering medical insurance for ferrets.
I believe this, knowing how insurance for dogs and cats works: The companies
are betting that the typical dog or cat will live many (12+?) relatively
disease-free years and all the while you're paying the premiums.  And past a
certain age, your pet is no longer eligible.
Given the life span of a ferret, plus the fuzzbeans' propensity for getting
into trouble, what annual premium would have to be charged for the insurance
company to make even a small profit?  I'm guessing it's more than what most
people would be willing to pay.  Or what most insurance companies believe
most people would be willing to pay.
I'm not saying that pet insurance can't work out for some pets -- and
certainly if companies offer it for ferrets there may be a market.  But my
guess is that ferret health insurance won't be offered for the reasons (all
my opinons only) above.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2086]