Hi Ya'll,
Do you know how hard it is to do anything on a computer when you have cat
legs and tails and butts hanging off the monitor?  I keep moving body parts
and keep getting griped at for it.  Geesh.
I have gotten enough complaints, er ah, requests for my posts that I have
decided to torture, er ah, grace you with some more.  I don't understand it
outside of the incidence of insanity must be very high within the ferret
community online.
A word on my humour.  I don't know how long many of you have been on the
list, but my humour tends towards biting.  I am a Celt with a very Celtic
sense of humour.  Some have complained that my jokes about folks I know,
especially one person I know, are mean spirited.  If that is true, why don't
you think the ones I make about others or myself are?  Don't think that what
you may have been told about my motives is true, I have always made jokes in
this manner, as has my family.  Folks that have known me for 30 years know
this.  Folks that have met me recently commented that I write exactly like I
talk.  I take that as a high compliment, it is not an easy thing to do.
When I get nasty in my sarcasm, there is absolutely no mistaking it.  And
the folks that have been visited by it can testify to that truth.  And yes,
there are a couple of those on this list.
I cultivate a somewhat weird and off the wall persona.  I try not to take
life too seriously most of the time, unless outside factors really get to
me.  And I have gotten too serious and paranoid lately, but it is from
trying to solve something that I can't solve alone.  I am a person who
confronts things head on, trying to deal with them.  I don't ignore them,
lie about them, or hide from them.  So I have mentally removed myself from
that continued aggravation, it isn't worth my time or energy.  But do
understand, that beneath this nutty exterior is a very analytical and smart
person, who cares deeply about things and animals in paticular.  I may be
*very* emotional, but being emotional and very open about my feelings does
not equate to true psychosis.  I like to think of myself as an "artiste,"
hehe, with a temper(ment) to match.  I come from a long line of women who
ran their families.  Think Celtic woman, think strong, fiesty, lusty,
independent and possessing a sharp tongue.
Ok, off my soap box. Yes, Mags is back isn't she?
Me and Brock, the newby, have come up with a wonderful new game.  I just got
me some more of the clear tubing from the Ferret Store.  Brock loves it.
But a new variation.  He runs in and stops.  Wags his tail furiously.  I
roll the tube around with him in it, all the while he is rolling around
inside the tube!!  It is just too hilarious!!  He then darts out, looks at
me and runs back in!!  Now everytime I walk into the living room, place of
the said tube, he runs up to the tube and waits.  I think he wags his tail
more than any of the others in the house.  It is soooo funny!!
I also got some of the 8 in 1 fruit and crunch treat, which is a big hit
with the ferrets.  That is, when they can get the cat out of it!  Seems my
oldest cat, Neko, who eats blankets, has decided that this is wonderful
stuff.  Go figure.
My plans are firming up for the ferret show in Chicago.  I am definately
going to terrorize, er, visit folks there.  hehe.  Been bribed with thoughts
of good food.  Sigh.  That is enough to get me to go anywhere.  My Grandma
used to bribe me with chicken and dumplings.  So be on the lookout or should
I say hear-out for my cackle if you go and you can track me down.  I am
really looking forward to it, it is going to be my first ferret show.  (and
it better be better than my first pow wow Otter!).
Mags and the Missouri Mob in Columbia
[Posted in FML issue 2085]