First, to Janet.  The world does having living angels and Janet is one of
them, along with her Animal Control Officer, for taking care of sweet,
flea/tick infested Newman.  All ferrets deserve a second chance (or more).
Love can do miracles.
Second, Bill, could you post the date of the FML anniversary party soon?  I
think Jan. 2?, was mentioned, in FLA?  That's high vacation time and hotel
reservations may get harder to come by if I wait too much longer.  It
coincides with my vacation and I'll be making plans very soon and would like
to include the party in my trip.
[Moderator's note: Will be in FL a few days before and a bit after Jan 24th.
The "official" dinner is on the 24th, hope to have some sort of hospitality
setup for other times.  BIG]
Third, check out my fuzzbutt chillen's on David Doyle's website.  He has
graciously posted my Cocoa, Fuzzy, Cookie and Peanut pics at
Forth, I need some ideas for ferret games or contests for fun fests.  I know
tube races, paper bag escape, and cup tip.  And of course there's costumes.
I think I read something about...most kisses, longest tail, blackest fert.
Does anyone have any others?  I'm looking for the ones like these last
couple, which don't require much setup and are pretty static.  Something for
in-between the action stuff.  You can email me instead of posting to the
FML.  Thanks.
Last, I, too, get mad when I read so many posts for somebody trying to find
homes for their fuzzies.  They say their fuzzies are so sweet and they just
KIDS.  They have HEARTS, BRAINS that give LOVE AND DEVOTION.  Part of
responsible pet ownership is looking into the future BEFORE you get a pet so
that you do not have to (@&^%$*UNLOAD IS WHAT I READ) your loving animals.
If you can't move into an apartment because they don't allow kids, DO YOU
GET RID OF YOUR KIDS???  Sorry, if I'm stepping on toes.  I just hate to
think of all of the fuzzies who are being displaced from their homes.  Many
blessings to the shelters and half-way houses who look after the little lost
Love to all the fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 2085]