Here is something which is important for the quarantine efforts to know for
planning their strategies:
>From: "Rupprecht, Charles"
>Date: Thu, 30 Oct 97 21:23:00 +0000
>Dear Ms. Crandall:
>Perhaps there is some confusion about the scope of this project and viral
>variation in the USA.  As originally conceived, we were tasked to test the
>pathogenesis of rabies virus variants of major public health significance
>in the domestic ferret.  For example, the skunk is the most important
>reservoir in the upper and lower midwest and CA, and the upper midwest
>rabies virus variant was tested.  The raccoon is the most important
>reservoir in the eastern USA, and this single major variant has been
>tested.  However, bats are reservoirs throughout the USA and are the
>sources of the variants currently under study.  As in years past, I am
>confident that significant progress will be made after discussion at this
>year's Compendium meeting, which should act as the major interface at the
>state DOH level.  Moreover, provided that our Administration will support
>the ferret research this fiscal year, the most critical aspect of the study
>should be approached by early spring (barring any surprises).  I am hopeful
>that this information approaches resolution of your queries.  CR.
> ----------
[Posted in FML issue 2110]