This is my first post so hopefully I not made any major errors.  I've been
lurking for a while now but I just had to reply when I read that someone
else has orange coloured ferrets.  I adopted/rescued a DEW about two years
ago.  Calvin has always turned flourescent orange, both around the ears and
especially the tail, every spring and fall.  We have him on a combination of
Science Diet and Iams but our vet does not believe that the diet has
anything to do with the colour - she jokingly suggested that perhaps he
still can change his coat with the seasons - Although how a bright orange
tail is of any benefit is beyond me?  I sure would be interested in any
suggestions about this.
Rena & Kali, Calvin 'the colourful', Gizmo, TJ, Sindbad, Toby and Okisi
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[Posted in FML issue 2110]